• Erik Alos

    Pierson v. Post, 3 Cai. R. 175, 2 Am. Dec. 264

  • Brian Busch

    The Eggshell Plaintiff Series

  • Christian Ceci

    Classic Torts Series

  • Brennon Cooper

    Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967)

  • Kieren Hutchison

    Petitions of the Kinsman Transit Company, 338 F.2d 708 (2d Cir. 1964)

  • Preslav Kostov

    Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)

  • Ryan Noel

    Kirksey v. Kirksey, 8 Ala. 131 (1845)

  • Helen Norton

    Regina v. Dudley and Stephens, 14 Q.B.D. 273 (1884)

  • Sean Pryor

    Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644 (2015)

  • Kasey Robinson

    Dodge v. Ford Motor Company, 204 Mich. 459, 170 N.W. 668 (Mich. 1919)

  • Jen LaVita

    Union Oil Co. v. Oppen, 501 F.2d 558, 560 (9th Cir. 1974)

  • Patton Ado

    Grimshaw v. Ford Motor Co. (1981) 119 Cal.App.3d 757


Erik AlĂłs

Los Angeles, California



Erik is an American artist who makes paintings in a contemporary surrealist style, often depicting the female figure. He has participated in several group exhibitions with galleries in LA and beyond. Erik works and lives in Santa Monica, California.

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Brian Busch

Los Angeles, California



Brian is an American illustrator who has created numerous works for film, books, video games, and commercials. Born in rural Illinois, Brian studied illustration and painting at the American Academy of Art in Chicago. In 2017, Brian moved to Los Angeles, where he continues to work, teach, and search out the finest street tacos L.A. has to offer.

Christian Ceci

Los Angeles, California


Christian is an artist, exhibit designer, and licensed architect in Los Angeles. Originally from New York, he has a personal connection to 1928 case of Palsgraf v. Long Island R. Co.—his grandmother lived a block away from the adjudicated incident, in the house that his father was later raised. He enjoys cobbling together an array of work at various scales and media, attempting to balance content, perspective, and technique.

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Brennon Cooper

Los Angeles, California



Brennon is a Los Angeles based artist focusing on figure painting and drawing. Classically trained in San Francisco, he employs a detailed and refined approach to his figures while maintaining a sense of looseness in the work. He seeks to explore the contrast between restraint and freedom to create dynamic, interesting renderings of his subjects. Inspired by classical painters and pop artists, Brennon's work attempts to bridge the gap between the traditional and the contemporary, the familiar and the new, in a way that is uniquely his own.


Kieren Hutchison

Los Angeles, California


Kieren Hutchison is a New Zealand-born artist, living in Los Angeles with his wife and son. A lifelong interest in art has led him to work in many different mediums, including oil and acrylic paints, ink pens and pencil. The mission behind Term of Art Collective proved to be a great fit for Kieren as he is also the creator of the YouTube channel A Kid Explains History.

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Preslav Kostov

London, U.K.



Preslav is a figurative painter, draughtsman and illustrator who enjoys the surprises and surrender of control that is innate to oil paints and their fugitive nature. His work is rooted in process and drawing and careful observation, whilst aiming to remain intuitive to maintain an honest and direct response to his subject matter. He explores narratives centred around the intimacy and suppressed emotions in the moments which lose the fight for our attention in the intensity of modern life.


Ryan Noel

Salt Lake City, Utah



Ryan is a self-taught artist with a passion for landscape and western art. Having grown up for some of his childhood in Alabama, he was keenly interested in taking on a piece from that area of the country.


Helen Norton

Perth, West Australia



Helen Norton’s internationally acclaimed work uses a metaphorical Australian landscape backdrop to portray her passionate study of inner psychology.  Her work, strongly layered with humour and irony studies the human condition in a unique narrative form.  Her work has been featured in over 70 exhibitions in around the world. She was honoured to create this work for Term of Art Collective, as it engaged her imagination and creativity to re-envision a moment in history that changed the future. Not to mention her being from Australia, where the sordid story of her painting began.


Sean Pryor

San Francisco, California


Originally from South Carolina, Sean has been been creating art since he was young. He has also been working as a designer for over a decade. Some of his most recent work includes video advertisements shot globally as well as many new personal pieces. He has been fortunate to have the chance to work with some of the best artists and creative minds from around the world.


Kasey Robinson

Minneapolis, Minnesota



Kasey Dreamt of playing football, desiring a D1 scholarship to play in college. But when he got an art scholarship before football, it made him question his dreams. He walked on to play at the University of Minnesota only to call it quits after a year. He wanted to pursue his true passion: Art. it's been an incredible journey ever since, and he gives all glory to God for guiding him through it.

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Jen LaVita

Los Angeles, California



Inspired by nature's colors, textures and patterns, Jen loves to breathe life into her paintings. She draws inspiration from the beauty around her when exploring outside, time at the beach and her love for all animals and sea life. Jen likes to use saturated and unexpected colors and bold brush strokes to create movement.


Patton Ado

Baltimore, Maryland


Patton is a self taught artist who has been painting since he was 12 years old. Through his work, he strives to tell visual stories based on an honest observation of the human experience in its many forms.