The Lawyer by Salvador Dalí, 1978

 TERM OF ART (n.) phrase

a word or phrase that takes on a specialized meaning within a specific context or field of study.

The law and Art are kindred spirits—each an exercise in interpretation demanding careful study of the nuances of human, physical, and cultural dynamics. like any work of art, a legal ruling is vulnerable to acclaim and critique, praise or ridicule—its evaluation unique in the eye of the beholder. Each is a product of its time, a reflection of the zeitgeist of its era. And one must not forget the practitioner, who, to achieve greatness in either discipline, must display a deep understanding of the relevant techniques, procedures, and precedent, yet also possess the creativity and courage to challenge convention.

Term of art Collective is an ambitious project borne from this very interplay of art and law. The collective is a group of Artists from around the globe who have applied their unique artistic approach to interpret and depict some of the most famous and well-read cases of American and English jurisprudence. As Charles Bukowski once said, “An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.” This project attempts to illustrate just that. Pun intended.

We hope you enjoy the collection.

For further information, special orders, or interest in collaboration, please reach out at

Instagram: @term_of_art_collective